The Reflection By An Ionized Meteor Trail From Remote Station To Radio Signal Receiver In Malaysia
This research discusses the implementation of a radio receiver to receive signals from a remote station that result from reflection by an ionized meteor trail. The receiver is situated in Batu Pahat, Johor (1°52'U, 103° 07' T) while the transmitter is Stesen Pemancar Radio Perlis fm, Pauh (6°09'U, 1009 26' T). The transmitter is chosen based on its operating frequency and power, and distance from the receiver. This radio receiver system consists of a six element Yagi Antenna, a 10 dB pre amplifier, a commercial analogue radio and a personal computer equipped with a Spectrogram. The specifications of the Yagi antenna are made based on the characteristics of the transmitter and the signals' propagation distance between both transmitter and receiver. The antenna is simulated and optimized using the Quick Yagi and 4NEC2x. Then it is tested and such parameters like VSWR, gain and radiation characteristics are measured and compared with the value from simulation. Since the antenna's gain does not met the requirement, a pre amplifier is designed. The pre amplifier uses a voltage divider topology with common-emitter configuration. The pre amplifier is attached to a commercial radio that is connected to a personal computer. The characteristic of the propagating signal is analyzed to estimate the optimum elevation angle of the antenna from the horizon. Finally, it is tested on the peak of α-Capricornids (3 July 2017 – 15 August 2017) meteor showers. However, the display not recorded because of technical error that is recording error and bad weather within rain. Therefore, the test will be done on 12 August 2017 where at time Perseids meteor shower. Therefore, the objective of the project is achieved theoretically and practically.