Study on New Improvement Method For Assembly Blow Process
assembly, operation, blowAbstract
This project is to study on new improvement method for assembly blow process. Assembly lines have a 1 section line place (Assembly Small Line) company shrinks the operation of Blow Operation at another place. For Blow have 2 division of operation its Assembly Blow & Injection Blow. For current plan, Assembly Blow shall transfer to place 1st followed by Inject Blow. The objective of this research is to implement optional manpower for variables parts on blow assembly process at b1, to study increase UPH by improved process line B4, to improved capacity study and capability by improved the process line B4. The data about optional manpower were collected by using this geometric symbols are in fact a common knowledge in Japan like we all understand in occident the meaning of a tick (done, correct, passed) and a cross (not good) that used an observation an interview to twelve employees of the company. From the result obtained, it was found that three employees were achieve maru and nine employees were achieved peke for legend. Another step for improved UPH by line B4 is a skip the process, performed by 'walk through' inspection at the standing workstation areas. Improved UPH by line B4 involved only to improve capacity study and capability by improved the process line B4. Capacity study is considered as capacity line utilization in a company. Capacity study function is to easy for company to know the balancing of line capacity to run another part or item. Capacity study plays a big role in a company. This capacity study has provided by production planning and control department. Inside the capacity study have a few data that importance to run the capacity study. The result of evaluation showed that the
level of employee's performance was still good. Production planning and control management need to be provided so that it will have a great performance manpower and line utilization at workstations.